Black Cowrie

Our Services

Clients First - Always!

Our Services

We Provide Highly Reliable & Effective Financial Solutions

We offer deep sector expertise across a full range of products and services in investment banking, equities, fixed income, asset and wealth management in the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East and Asia.



Black Cowrie Equities is a client-focused full-service sales, trading, and capital markets platform.

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

Black Cowrie Fixed Income is a global client-focused sales, trading, and capital markets platform across all fixed income securities.

Investment Banking

Investment BankingInvestment Banking Black Cowrie Investment Banking is a global leader, offering deep sector expertise and broad advisory and capital markets capabilities to corporate and financial sponsor clients. With approximately 300 investment banking professionals across the Americas, Europe, and Asia, we provide global coverage across all products and sectors. Investment Banking Capabilities Debt Advisory &...

What We Deliver

What We DeliverWhat We Deliver To Our Clients Sector Expertise  Deep sector knowledge in investment banking that enables us to :  Best position our clients’ investment thesis to achieve the optimal valuation on their equity offerings  Best position our clients’ credit profile to achieve the lowest yield on their debt offerings  Demonstrate the most in-depth knowledge...


CapabilitiesWhat We Are Capable OfDebt Capital Markets Principal Capabilities :  High Yield Bonds  Leveraged Loans  Investment Grade Debt  Preferred Stock  Emerging Market Debt  Global Structured Notes  Mezzanine Debt  Municipal Debt  Asset-Backed Debt  Project Finance Notable Facts :  60 professionals worldwide  Bookrun over 98% of our high yield offerings and leveraged loans  Completed 325 bookrun high...

Sector Expertise

Sector ExpertiseOur Areas of ExpertiseConsumer & Retail Principal Sector Focus:  Apparel and Footwear  Automotive Aftermarket  Beverages  Consumer Products  Food Service Distribution  Grocery Retail  Mass and Discount Retail  Packaged Food  Protein & Produce  Restaurants  Specialty Retail Notable Facts:  Over 40 professionals worldwide based in New York, Charlotte, London and Hong Kong covering over 100 companies  Completed over 75...


EquitiesBlack Cowrie Equities Black Cowrie Equities is a client-focused full-service sales, trading, and capital markets platform.  Cash Equities  Electronic Trading  Equity Derivatives  Convertibles  Prime Services  Corporate Access Investment Banking Capabilities We operate globally and employ over 350 professionals in the following locations: Americas New York, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Stamford Europe London,...

Cash Equities

Cash EquitiesCash Equities Equities have been the core of Black Cowrie Bank all these years. Our experienced sales and trading professionals deliver high-touch services to help clients develop investment strategies and execute stock transactions in exchanges across the globe. We act as agents, principals, or market makers to provide clients with high execution quality in...

Electronic Trading

Electronic TradingElectronic Trading Black Cowrie Electronic Trading is backed by a global team of professionals located in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Specifically designed for today’s fragmented and rapidly changing market environment by our industry-leading development team, Black Cowrie provides our clients with innovative electronic sales and trading solutions partnered with local expertise through Algorithmic...

Equity Derivatives

Equity Derivatives Trading Black Cowrie Equity Derivatives U.S. Equity Options  Provide liquidity to customers across single stock, ETF, index, sector, flex and over-the-counter options  Daily content with pre-market, end of day and intraday color on a single stock, event-driven, and broader market themes. Daily color focuses on market positioning, long and short gamma set-ups, and...


Convertibles Black Cowrie Convertibles Convertible securities combine characteristics of stocks and bonds in a single security, and Black Cowrie's professionals combine experience and expertise to serve this complex and geographically diverse market. Our dedicated personnel in the Americas, Europe, and Asia offer expertise in the sales, trading, and analysis of global convertible bonds, convertible preferred...

Prime Services

Prime Services Black Cowrie Prime Services Black Cowrie Prime Brokerage is a gateway for hedge funds to access the firm’s global platform. By creating connectivity to Banking, Research, Sales and Trading, and Corporate Access for our clients, we seek to help funds successfully build their business and create alpha over business cycles. Prime Brokerage provides...

Corporate Access

Corporate Access Black Cowrie Corporate Access Let Black Cowrie take your show on the road Black Cowrie Global Access team works in coordination with Black Cowrie Equities, Fixed Income and Investment Banking groups to provide companies with access to investors and exceptional logistics on all marketing globally. We have a dedicated Corporate Access team in...

Fixed Income

Fixed Income Black Cowrie Fixed Income Black Cowrie Fixed Income is a global client-focused sales, trading, and capital markets platform across all fixed income securities:  Government and Agency  Foreign Exchange  Securitized Markets  Leveraged Finance & Global Capital Markets  Corporate Credit  Emerging Markets  Municipal and Not-for-Profit Investment Banking Capabilities Clients are offered liquidity, execution, underwriting expertise,...

Government & Agency

Government SecuritiesGovernment & Agency Securities Black Cowrie provides execution, distribution, structuring, and expertise in government and agency bond markets globally, with 24-hour liquidity from trading presence in New York, London, and Tokyo. The team is comprised of experienced individuals and is a major trader of all products from government bonds and supranational debt to derivatives...

Foreign Exchange

Foreign Exchange Black Cowrie Foreign Exchange The Black Cowrie Foreign Exchange group offers innovative e-commerce solutions, highly competitive trade execution, as well as scalable and cost-effective cleaning solutions. The desk provides a timely strategy on data and events that drive markets. Clients are able to trade through traditional FX channels as well as leverage cutting-edge...

Securitized Markets

Mortgage and Asset-backed Securities Black Cowrie Securitized Markets Black Cowrie is a market leader in global mortgage-and asset-backed trading with professionals located in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. The team of senior sales and trading professionals has an average of more than 15 years of experience and long-standing relationships with key market players. Securitized Markets...

Leveraged Finance

Leveraged Finance Black Cowrie Leverage Finance Black Cowrie is a premier provider of debt solutions in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. By offering a creative approach to financing, superior capital markets expertise, deep industry insight, and global distribution capabilities, Black Cowrie assists clients by helping them structure and access the capital they need. Leading Debt...

Corporate Credit

Corporate CreditBlack Cowrie Corporate Bonds Black Cowrie covers the spectrum of corporate credit, providing liquidity globally in: Investment Grade Corporates High Yield Corporates Leveraged Loans Distressed and Special Situations Investment Grade Corporates The Investment Grade desk is a market maker across a variety of investment-grade corporate bonds, including senior and subordinated debt, hybrid debt, and...

Emerging Markets

Emerging MarketsBlack Cowrie Emerging Markets Black Cowrie is a market-maker and active participant in hard currency sovereign and corporate fixed income markets in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia. With a team based in the Americas, Europe, and Asia, Black Cowrie Bank has one of the largest distribution groups in emerging markets,...

Municipal & Not-for-Profits

Municipal & Not-for-Profit Black Cowrie Municipal Securities Black Cowrie Municipal and Not-for-Profit team serves issuers and investors in municipal securities markets. Municipal Securities is organized between Sales and Trading and Public Finance. Municipal Securities market-side team has strong sales and trading capabilities in all areas of municipal securities and is a market leader in providing secondary...

Wealth Management

Wealth Management Black Cowrie Private Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor with Unparalled Access to the Capabilities of a Global Institutional Brokerage and Investment Banking Firm Working with Us Black Cowrie Private Wealth Management is a boutique practice serving the complex needs of entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and family offices. Our unique platform brings sophisticated...